Get Involved

Get Involved

Join Our Community

‘In this life we cannot always do great things.
But we can do small things with great love’
– Mother Theresa

Sponsor a Child

‘We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give’
– Winston Churchill

Make A Difference

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.

African Angels Independent School hosts all kids of volunteers; local supporters are always welcome to come to the school and share their time and knowledge and we host many international volunteers with the help of volunteer organisation VA32. Be part of our team and give what you can. Your voice, your time, your funds or your friends – every contribution counts!

Local Volunteers

If you are local the the East London area and would like to help in the school, we are always looking for extra hands. Tasks such as:

  • Reading with the children
  • Working in small groups and one-on-one situations with the children
  • Assisting with facilitating break and lunch times at the school.

If you have skills in teaching arts, music, dance and sports activities or would like to arrange a workshop with the children please contact us.

International Volunteering

Local volunteer organisation Volunteer Africa 32 degrees South (VA32), run a volunteer program to support the African Angels School. They place international volunteers into the school where they help our teachers teach lessons, facilitate arts and crafts activities, assist with resource development and generally help with the management of the children on a daily basis.

Volunteers are also involved in various afternoon community development initiatives and stay with fellow volunteers in the vollie house in Chintsa.

Project Highlights:

  • Assist teachers in the classroom
  • Use your skills and passions to plan and facilitate creative activities like arts and drama
  • Take part in afternoon community development activities like sports development and working in a local orphanage
  • Live within a few minutes walk of the beach in Chintsa – one of the best in South Africa!

Find out more about the African Angels volunteer project.